Summary of Seminars
Please scroll down for descriptions of each seminar
F1 – A Fresh Look at Sunday Morning: A Gospel Witness from Start to Finish
F2 – Daring To Be Brave
F3 – Loss, Grief, and Betrayal Trauma: How to Stay Healthy Through Ministry Pain***
F4 – Supply Lines: Five Key Relationships Every Pastor Needs
***Spanish Translation Offered at 2:15 PM***
FRIDAY – 2:15 PM and 4 PM Designed for Pastors and Ministry Staff
S1 – Tips and Resources for Church Treasurers
S2 – Tips and Resources for Kingdom Chaos Coordinators (Church Administrative Staff)
S3 – Tips and Resources for Church Chairs
S4 – Ten Ways a Church Can Help their Pastor Stay Healthy
SATURDAY – 8:30 AM Designed for Lay Leaders
Please scroll down for descriptions of each seminar

F1 – A Fresh Look at Sunday Morning: A Gospel Witness from Start to Finish
This seminar will encourage you to consider how can we utilize every inch, atom, and minute of what God has given us to help us communicate the greatest news in the universe. Our hope is that this time will urge you to think afresh about the many ways we tell that story.
Ben Moore has a deep heart and passion for the local church and has spent the last 20 years serving churches coast to coast in a wide variety of settings through speaking, preaching, training, and leading worship. Ben has spent nearly the last decade of that stretch in the Bay Area where he lives with his wife and kids.
F2 – Daring To Be Brave — Are you courageous enough to take an honest look at how your church is doing? Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) Notice that the promise is of freedom not of fear. Come learn helpful discussion questions for taking an honest look at the effectiveness of your church, as well as sample the church health survey developed for the Covenant.
Mary Hendrickson serves as the Director of Missional Vitality for the Covenant. She works with established churches to help them become healthy, to weather transitions, to reach out to their communities, and to become the church that God created them to be. Dr. Hendrickson lives in Gresham, OR, and is enjoying being on the west coast with her sons and especially her grandsons. She received her post-graduate degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and is an ordained pastor in the Covenant.
F3 – Loss, Grief, and Betrayal Trauma: How to Stay Healthy Through Ministry Pain
Pastoring a church means experiencing loss. In any given year, chances are you will have people who move away, pass away, lose their faith, or leave your church for the church down the street. These losses accumulate over time, and if we don't learn to deal with them in healthy ways, they wear down our souls, bodies, and shorten our ministry lifespans. Come learn how to practice spiritual disciplines aimed at helping us grieve our losses, savor our graces, and minister with joy even when ministry hurts.
Tim Morey (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the founding and lead pastor of Life Covenant Church in Torrance, California, an affiliate professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, and serves the conference as the PSWC Team Lead for Pastoral Health. His most recent book is Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul: Nine Questions For the Spiritually Formed Pastor.
F4 – Supply Lines: Five Key Relationships Every Pastor Needs
Pastors do so much to help others connect. Unfortunately, pastors often neglect their own connections. The deficit of support leaves pastors empty, lonely, and burned out. Based on biblical principles and research from the United States and Canada, Supply Lines identifies five types of relational support that pastors and planters need: spiritual, inspirational, motivational, interpersonal, and practical. The seminar addresses the misunderstandings that hold church leaders back from relational support and explores each Supply Line in detail. We will explore how to set up and strengthen a support plan to enable bigger dreams, wiser decisions, and heathier results.
Scott Nelson is the Associate Superintendent (church planting and leadership development) for the Northwest Conference. He and his wife Hannah have five amazing kids who always make life interesting. Scott received his doctorate from Fuller and loves time in nature, great movies, and a good meal with friends.
FRIDAY – 2:15 PM and 4 PM
S1 - Tips and Resources for Church Treasurers
Erika Basak has served as Director of Finance at the Pacific Southwest Conference since 2014. Previously she worked as an accountant for various non-profits on the island of Guam where her husband was stationed for work and before that as an accountant in the entertainment industry in Southern California. Erika is passionate about stewardship and helping churches to make wise decisions with Kingdom resources.
S2 - Tips and Resources for Kingdom Chaos Coordinators (Church Administrative Staff)
Adrienne Pryor serves at PSWC as the Operations Manager and Assistant to Superintendent Bryan Murphy. She has spent the last 15 years working in faith houses and non-profit organizations. She is a certified event planner who supports the Conference team by coordinating and executing events. Adrienne finds solace and sanctuary near any body of water and enjoys spending quality time with her family.
S3 - Tips and Resources for Church Chairs
Anita Eyer has served as Director of Ministries for the Conference since 2006 and has had the joy of working alongside four Superintendents. Previously she worked as a critical care nurse and on the Covenant’s Prayer and Evangelism team. Anita brings deep experience with the Covenant’s congregational polity and views essential “good practices” as great way to care for pastors, chairpersons, and leadership teams.
S4 - Ten Ways a Church Can Help their Pastor Stay Healthy (Lay Leaders)
Pastor burnout is real. In 2023, 42% of pastors told Barna that they were seriously considering quitting full time ministry. What can we as lay leaders do to help our pastors stay spiritually vital, healthy, and joyful for the long haul? In this seminar we will detail ten practices churches can undertake to minister to the ones who minister to them.
Tim Morey (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the founding and lead pastor of Life Covenant Church in Torrance, California, an affiliate professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, and serves the conference as the PSWC Team Lead for Pastoral Health. His most recent book is Planting a Church Without Losing Your Soul: Nine Questions For the Spiritually Formed Pastor.